Adjustable Cage Muzzle for Everyday Usage Trying to avoid undesirable outcomes dog owners prefer having their four-footed friends muzzled. With a good... more info
Leather Attack / Agitation Training Dog Muzzle To reach success in attack/agitation training you need special extra durable equipment. We represent you... more info
Wire Cage Canine Muzzle for Large and Medium Breeds Wire Basket Muzzle is the universal muzzle type for dog training and walking. Due to its breathable... more info
Adjustable Leather Dog Muzzle for Everyday Activities We are glad to offer your attention our comfortable Leather Dog Muzzle, that is irreplaceable item... more info
Model: M51##1102 Leather Muzzle for Everyday Walking
About this product The classic design and dazzling nature keeps this Silencer muzzle apart from its contemporaries. The cleverly fashioned hollow spaces... more info
Leather Basket Muzzle for Dog Agitation / Police Training Leather Basket Muzzle presented on this page is an example of high quality training gear for... more info
Professional Agitation Training Dog Muzzle Do you need high quality attack training muzzle for your canine? Try this Breathable Leather Dog Muzzle. Being... more info
Leather+Nylon Dog Muzzle for Attack Training Dear client! Have you already decided what kind of muzzle to choose for your beloved pet? Should it be nylon... more info
Model: M15##1102 Leather and Nylon Agitation Muzzle
Walking & Training Leather Muzzle with Fire Flames Painting Do you want your pet to look stronger and have grand air? Please, pay your attention to... more info
Police Service Leather Canine Muzzle Looking for some muzzle that will be suitable for any occasion? We are glad to introduce this Leather... more info
Anti-Barking Canine Muzzle Padded with Nappa for Best Comfort If you look for a reliable training mean to prevent your pet's barking - it is time to stop... more info
No-Bark Leather Muzzle with Perfect Air Circulation There are a lot of dog muzzles to be offered on the market. You are lost in thought which one is of... more info