All Weather Fancy Dog Collar To Make Everyday Activity As A Holiday We are glad to present to your attention an accessory that will be a wonderful decoration for your dearest pet. This is our nylon dog collar equipped with 2 rows of shiny nickel-plated... more info
Walking and Training Studded Leather Dog Collar Dear dog owner! Don't you think that even a dog deserves to wear stylish things? If you have the same opinion, please, pay your attention to this Fantastic Walking and Training Leather Collar Decorated with... more info
Model: C37##1102 Leather Collar with 3 rows of nickel pyramids
Professional Nappa Leather Dog Collar Dear customer! Our talented craftsmen know the secret how to make your doggy's life more convenient and pleasant. The secret is hidden in proper equipment. If you are a caring owner and choose the most comfortable... more info
Model: C443#1102 Royal Nappa Padded Leather Collar
Sparkish Narrow Leather Dog Collar with Brass Engraved Studs Decided to buy a new collar for your pet? Make your beloved dog more attractive and stylish with this decorated narrow leather collar! With this extraordinary walking dog collar your pet will... more info
Model: C106#1102 20 mm Leather collar with round studs
Wide Padded Leather Dog Collar for Agitation Work Quality or comfort: that is the question...There is no need in hesitation any more as if buying this Wide Leather Dog Collar with Felt Padding you get both comfort and extra quality. Due to its amazing... more info
Training and Walking 2 Ply Leather Dog Choke Collar When you choose a collar for walking and training activities with your beloved friend, what features should it possess? Should it be durable and time-proof? Should it be comfortable in use? Should it be... more info
Leather Choke Collar To Train Your Dog Easily Leather Choke Collar of our company is an excellent choice for your dog. The choke collar is top quality durable accessory to train your four legged friend. This model is very unusual. As you can see, there is... more info
Herm Sprenger Martingale Dog Collar of Stainless Steel Do you prefer chain dog collars for training your canine? If you need a durable and reliable chain collar order this one! This collar is made of brushed stainless steel with two rows of chains, welded... more info
Elegant HS Dog Collar of Black Stainless Steel Need a metal dog collar that will be safe for your pet's fur? Then this Black Stainless Steel Collar is what you are looking for! Besides, it is made of metal that will never rust. If buying this stylish looking... more info
Model: HS94#1102 51112 57 Black Stainless Steel Choke Collar 3 mm